Unit page, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

pars cervicalis (par)

Official Latin term pars cervicalis arteriae carotis internae (par)
Official subsidiary term cervical part of internal carotid artery (pair)
Unit identifier TAH:U3899
Unit type pair
Materiality material
Link to the unit pars cervicalis (par)
Links of entity generic: pars cervicalis
External links TA98 FMA
Partonomic links Level 2: systema arteriosum cerebrospinale Short Extended
Level 3: arteria carotis interna (par) Short Extended
Level 4: pars cervicalis (par)
Taxonomic links Level 2: segmentum organi Short Extended
Level 3: segmentum arteriae
Subsidiary language with Latin English French Spanish Russian
Non Latin primary language English French Spanish Russian
For the Arteria carotis interna (Internal carotid artery or ICA, the subdivision into C1-C4 segments (Gibo et al. 1981 J Neurosurg 55:560-574) is replaced by the more recent Bouthillier subdivision into C1-C7 (Bouthillier A, van Loveren HR, Keller JT 1996 Segments of the internal carotid artery: A new classification. Neurosurgery 38:425-433). Main differences are: - the Pars lacera (Segmentum C3) is a short segment that begins above the Foramen lacerum and ends at the Ligamentum petrolinguale. The new Segments C2 and C3 cover the old Segment C2; - the Pars cavernosa is the new Segmentum C4; - the Segments C5-C7 comprise the Pars cerebralis (C4) of the Gibo/TA subdivision: the Pars clinoidea (Segmentum C5) is a borderline segment extending between dural rings, by definition never intradural, often surrounded by a venous collar (a protrusion of the Cavernous sinus), the Pars ophthalmica is Segmentum C6, and the Pars communicans Segmentum C7.
corpus humanum
TAH:U3899 pars cervicalis (par)
2 children
Date: 10.06.2022